JobBox v1.9.0 – Laravel Job Portal Multilingual System – nulled

By   October 24, 2023

JobBox is a neat, clean and professional job board website script for your organization. It’s easy to build a complete Job Board site with JobBox script.

JobBox - Laravel Job Portal Multilingual System

In an increasingly globalized job market, having a multilingual job portal can be a game-changer for both job seekers and employers. Laravel, a powerful and popular PHP framework, provides an excellent foundation for creating a job portal with multilingual capabilities. In this article, we’ll explore the steps to build a Laravel job portal with a robust multilingual system.

Setting Up Your Laravel Environment

Before diving into the multilingual features, you’ll need to set up your Laravel environment. Make sure you have Laravel installed, and you’re ready to create a new project. You can do this using Composer:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel job-portal

Next, navigate to your project’s root folder:

cd job-portal

Installing Laravel’s Localization Features

Laravel comes with built-in localization support. To enable it, open the config/app.php file and add the following line to the ‘providers’ array:


Now, you need to publish the configuration files:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lang

This command will copy the language files to the resources/lang directory, where you can manage your translations.

Creating Language Files

Inside the resources/lang directory, you will find subdirectories named after language codes. For instance, en for English and es for Spanish. You can create a language file for each supported language. These files will contain key-value pairs for the translations. For example, create resources/lang/en/messages.php for English and resources/lang/es/messages.php for Spanish.

// resources/lang/en/messages.php
return [
'welcome' => 'Welcome to our job portal',
'job_listing' => 'Job Listing',

// resources/lang/es/messages.php
return [
'welcome' => 'Bienvenido a nuestro portal de empleo',
'job_listing' => 'Listado de empleos',

Translating Views

Once you’ve defined your language files, you can use them in your views. For example, in your Blade templates, you can use the @lang directive to display translated text:

<a href="/jobs">@lang('messages.job_listing')</a>

Language Switcher

To allow users to switch between languages, you can create a language switcher. This can be a dropdown menu or a list of flags that trigger a language change when clicked. The user’s choice can be stored in a session variable or a cookie.

Database Localization

If your job portal allows users to post job listings, you’ll also want to make these listings multilingual. Create a table that includes a column for the language code and another for the translated content.

Schema::create('job_listings', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('language')->default('en'); // Default language is English

When displaying job listings, use the user’s selected language to retrieve the appropriate translation from the database:

$job = JobListing::where('id', $jobId)->where('language', app()->getLocale())->first();

SEO and URLs

For SEO purposes, it’s important to have translated URLs. You can achieve this using route prefixes. Create route files for each language and add prefixes to them, like this:

// routes/web.php

Route::prefix('{locale}')->group(function () {
Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index');
// Other routes...


Building a Laravel job portal with a multilingual system is a significant undertaking, but it can open up your platform to a wider audience and provide a better user experience. Laravel’s built-in localization features, combined with a well-structured database design, can make your job portal a global success. Make sure to continually update and expand your translations to accommodate the needs of users from various language backgrounds.


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